Ethical Fund Ratings
What are the Ethical Fund Ratings?
What are the Ethical Fund Ratings?The Ethical Advisers Co-operative has developed the Ethical Fund Ratings to assist people in making choices for their investments and superannuation that are in line with their ethical values.
The co-operative have rated funds which have an ethical or sustainability focus. We applaud all investment managers who attempt to invest ethically and sustainably. There are quite significant efforts being taken within the finance industry to develop more ethical and sustainable investments.
All of the funds rated by the co-operative are making an effort to invest in more environmentally sustainable, ethical and socially responsible investments. The Ethical Fund Ratings website is designed to help you understand the differences between these funds, to help make a choice about investing in an ethical fund, and to help ensure that the fund you invest in meets your personal ethical values.
The ratings do not include financial information about the funds, including investment performance or fees. The funds have been reviewed and rated by advisers that are part of the co-op based on each funds' ethics only. This includes things like the fund's environmental and social credentials including the underlying investments, their research and screening methods and their voting records and engagement on important issues.
We recommend you speak to a Financial Adviser with experience in ethical investment for personalised advice before making any decisions. Experienced Financial Advisers can assist with selecting a fund which meets not only your ethical values, but also your financial needs and personal situation.
About the Ethical Advisers Co-operative
The Ethical Advisers Co-operative (EAC) was first established in 2011 by a dedicated group of financial advisers who recognised the need to represent and advocate on behalf of ethical and sustainable investment advice within Australia, a need that remains to this day.
Since those early days, the Co-operative has grown to a membership of 35 advisers, all of whom operate within ethically focused Financial Planning practices around Australia, collectively managing over $1.5 Billion of ethical investor's money.
A not-for-profit organisation, the Co-op has built an outstanding reputation as a vocal representative on behalf of those advisors and investors seeking ethical alternatives and through their active participation within the investment industry, the Co-op has worked alongside major organisations promoting sustainability and ethical advice, such as; the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA),, ACCR and Market Forces.
The primary objective for Co-op members has been to help expand awareness of the benefits of ethical investing and to provide guidance to those investors seeking to adopt and implement investment strategies that align with their personal values. Currently, EAC advisers assist over 3,300 Australians to make the best of their financial position while pursuing ethical outcomes. Their advice continues to assist clients in achieving strong, sustainable returns while encouraging the responsible allocation of capital within global markets.
Co-op Advisers have been in the vanguard of ethical investing both within Australia and internationally and have helped develop some of the most innovative ethical investment solutions to help to achieve your financial goals while not compromising your personal values .
Our highly qualified members regularly advise on topics such as; personal investment, family trusts, charities, not for profits, philanthropic trusts, self-managed super funds, co-operatives and ethical superannuation investing.